Friday, January 25, 2013

"All About Birds"

Coming in February at the Sebastian River Art Club's Art Center space, "All About Birds," avian-related works of art created by our Club Artists.  Bird fanciers will love this show which will be on display in our Rosalee Hume Gallery from february 1st through the 28th. 

Drop into the Art Center any Tuesday or Thursday and some Saturdays between the hours of 11:00 am and 3:00 pm, and view the many other lovely and exciting works created by our own SRAC artists.  Stroll through our studio area and watch artists at work.  Try your hand at learning something new in one of our art classes: Watercolor by Judy McNamara (President of the Club 321-724-9857), Tuesdays, or Judy Burgarella (772-581-8281) who teaches other mediums including acrylic, traditional oils, water-soluble on Thursdays bi-weekly, 11-2:00 (changing soon to 10-1:00).

We've just celebrated our 75th Anniversary, creating-enjoying-and promoting art in the City of Sebastian and parts beyond, and we welcome the public to take advantage of our efforts and join us in our continued celebration of Arts in Sebastian.

Judy Burgarella
Vice-President, and
Blogger for the Sebastian River Art Club

Friday, January 11, 2013

WOW! We're 75 Years Old!

Yup, the Sebastian River Art Club is celebrating its 75th year with a Reception Thursday, January 17th, 4-7 pm.  This event is free and open to the public, and there will be refreshments and a free raffle for our guests.  Please do come and celebrate with us.  We have a lovely quilt show on display in our gallery space, compliments of the Stepping Stone Quilters, and many artworks by our wonderful artist members.  Drop in and take a look and have a nibbly!


POST-NOTE - This event was a smashing success, and over 20 people went home with lovely original works of art created and donated by our own wonderful artists.  Presidents were honored, our most renowed member, the late Rosalee Hume was honored with a wonderful display of her works, and our beloved Henry Pitt was honored for his tireless and long-time devotion to art and painting. Thanks to the family of Rosalee Hume who brought many works of hers for us to enjoy, and many many thanks to all the volunteers who made it come together so smoothly.  But especially I would like to thank all those before us who worked throughout the years to bring the Club to the point it is now ... still here, still thriving, and still being the vehicle for people to enjoy and grow art in Sebastian.

Delicious celebratory cake!

Richard Gillmor (President 2011-2012) proudly
displays his "Certificate of Appreciation"

Our beloved Henry Pitt, honored with a special
tribute for his dedication to the arts


While you're there, step into the Rosalie Hume Gallery space and see our guest artist show, the Stepping Stone Quilters' "Quilt Challenge - Life in Sebastian, Celebrating 25 Years."  This stunning mix of art and fabric will dazzle you.  "Wow!  How in the world do they do it--and how many hours and days does it take?"  Those are the words that are echoed in the Hume Gallery whenever people come in to view this lovely show.  See it before it's taken down the end of January.

Judy Burgarella
Blogger for the Sebastian River Art Club